Alila Brossard Antonielli holds a PhD on Health and Social Sciences from the École des Hautes Études en Sciences Sociales, being affiliated to the Cermes3 laboratory. Her PhD research analysed the technology transfer to install a generic medicine factory in Mozambique by the Brazilian Cooperation. During this work, she shed light on the history of previous international aid to foster pharmaceutical production in Mozambique, aligned with the country’s pharmaceutical policies during its socialist government. Her postdoctoral fellowship in the ERC project Socialist Medicine will further this focus on the creation of socialist health systems in Angola and Mozambique following their independence in 1975. She is particularly interested in the circulation of Mozambican and Angolan health workers and of medical internationalists and their models of primary health care, health planning, and medicine production, from an STS approach.
Previously, Alila worked as associated researcher in Peru with the LASDEL Bénin on a multi-country study on unwanted pregnancies and abortion commissioned by the NGO Médecins du Monde France. She holds master’s degrees in Latin American Studies from the Institut des Hautes Études d’Amérique Latine (IHEAL/Université Sorbonne Nouvelle) and in Population and Development Studies from the Université Paris Descartes. She has conducted fieldwork in Africa (Mozambique), Europe (France), and Latin America (Brazil, Peru, Uruguay).
"Rumo à equidade em saúde: por uma agenda de pesquisa e desenvolvimento e produção local orientada pelas múltiplas necessidades do Sistema Único de Saúd" ("Towards equity in health: for an agenda for research and development and local production driven by the multiple needs of the Brazilian Unified National Health System"), Cadernos de Saúde Pública, 2023, Vol 39 (9),e00073623, co-autored with Mady M. Barbeitas, Gabriela Costa Chaves and Koichi Kameda.
“How do experts resist a development cooperation project? The Case of the Brazilian- Mozambique Generic Medicine Factory”, Contexto Internacional, vol 44 (1), Jan/Apr 2022, p.1-24
« La production locale de médicaments génériques au Mozambique à la croisée des circulations de savoirs pharmaceutiques », Revue Francophone sur la Santé et les Territoires, 2019, p. 1‑22
“A transferência de tecnologia do Brasil para Moçambique para a fabricação local de medicamentos genéricos: condições históricas e práticas de uma cooperação em saúde e tecnologia”, in Forquilha, S. and Chichava, S. (Dir.), 2018, Desafios para Moçambique 2018, IESE, Maputo, Mozambique.
Alila Brossard Antonielli holds a PhD on Health and Social Sciences from the École des Hautes Études en Sciences Sociales, being affiliated to the Cermes3 laboratory. Her PhD research analysed the technology transfer to install a generic medicine factory in Mozambique by the Brazilian Cooperation. During this work, she shed light on the history of previous international aid to foster pharmaceutical production in Mozambique, aligned with the country’s pharmaceutical policies during its socialist government. Her postdoctoral fellowship in the ERC project Socialist Medicine will further this focus on the creation of socialist health systems in Angola and Mozambique following their independence in 1975. She is particularly interested in the circulation of Mozambican and Angolan health workers and of medical internationalists and their models of primary health care, health planning, and medicine production, from an STS approach.
Previously, Alila worked as associated researcher in Peru with the LASDEL Bénin on a multi-country study on unwanted pregnancies and abortion commissioned by the NGO Médecins du Monde France. She holds master’s degrees in Latin American Studies from the Institut des Hautes Études d’Amérique Latine (IHEAL/Université Sorbonne Nouvelle) and in Population and Development Studies from the Université Paris Descartes. She has conducted fieldwork in Africa (Mozambique), Europe (France), and Latin America (Brazil, Peru, Uruguay).
"Rumo à equidade em saúde: por uma agenda de pesquisa e desenvolvimento e produção local orientada pelas múltiplas necessidades do Sistema Único de Saúd" ("Towards equity in health: for an agenda for research and development and local production driven by the multiple needs of the Brazilian Unified National Health System"), Cadernos de Saúde Pública, 2023, Vol 39 (9),e00073623, co-autored with Mady M. Barbeitas, Gabriela Costa Chaves and Koichi Kameda.
“How do experts resist a development cooperation project? The Case of the Brazilian- Mozambique Generic Medicine Factory”, Contexto Internacional, vol 44 (1), Jan/Apr 2022, p.1-24
« La production locale de médicaments génériques au Mozambique à la croisée des circulations de savoirs pharmaceutiques », Revue Francophone sur la Santé et les Territoires, 2019, p. 1‑22
“A transferência de tecnologia do Brasil para Moçambique para a fabricação local de medicamentos genéricos: condições históricas e práticas de uma cooperação em saúde e tecnologia”, in Forquilha, S. and Chichava, S. (Dir.), 2018, Desafios para Moçambique 2018, IESE, Maputo, Mozambique.
This website is part of a project that has received funding from the European Research Council (ERC) under the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme (Grant agreement No. 949639)
This website is part of a project that has received funding from the European Research Council (ERC) under the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme (Grant agreement No. 949639)